At last we can now have outings so I’ve booked these. I hope you can come because we need to fill the coaches.. In order to book and pay please fill in the attached form and either leave it at the triangle office or bring it to my house or ring me and I will come and collect it.
ASAP please for Sherborne Castle.
SHERBORNE CASTLE & GARDENS Wednesday 18th August
Sherborne House was built by Sir Walter Raleigh in 1594. The gardens were one of the first designed by Capability Brown. There are 42 Acres of wonderful gardens with magnificent champion trees and herbaceous and shrub borders. There is a huge lake which is surrounded by the gardens. The Castle has glorious staterooms displaying nationally important collections of art, furniture and porcelain. In the museum in the cellars there are great stories and displays of Sherborne castle, Capability Brown and Sir Walter Raleigh.
RHS WISLEY Wednesday 8th September.
This date in September is the flower show including the National Dahlia Society annual show. In addition to this and the wonderful gardens there has been alterations to the buildings which makes the visit even more interesting. Wisley is 240 acres so with the show and the beautiful gardens we will have a great day. The society membership free entry is not allowed this year however RHS members can enter free of charge and take one person in with them.
Please advise me on the booking form. Click here for the form.
Ken Payne 01730 893906